Viable pathway towards bioeconomy for lipids and biomaterials with spent coffee grounds

Valorization of spent coffee grounds by 2-methyloxolane as bio-based solvent extraction This study attempts to shed light on the efficacy of the solvent 2-methyloxolane (2-MeOx) as an alternative for hexane in defatting spent coffee grounds (SCG). Higher lipid yields were obtained with the bio-based solvent dry 2-MeOx (13.67%) and water-saturated 2-MeOx (15.84%) compared to hexane oil […]
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Laurence Jacques explains in details in this thorough article why our solution is the most suitable extraction technology of oils, lipids and natural ingredients. It is definitely the alternative to other petro-based extraction solution out there! And it is fully aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the UN Programme. Read the full article here!