We have been renewed with COSMOS certification by Ecocert
COSMOS certification allows organic or natural cosmetics to be commercialized worldwide. For cosmetic ingredients producers, our solvent Ecomeo can be used as an extraction solvent for COSMOS approved raw materials. This includes a wide range of Physically Processed Agro-Ingredients (PPAI) such as : Vegetable oils Oil-derived ingredients : Lecithin/tocopherol/tocotrienol… Natural pigments : carotenoids/xanthophyll … Perfumery […]
Methyloxolane for the extraction of lutein
The present study described an efficient green process to isolate lutein with significantly improved yield (2.56%) and purity (97.33%) over the conventional methods. Based on the results, 2- methyltetrahydrofuran could be a practical green alternative to the traditional toxic solvents for the processing of lutein. Further, the chemical analysis of the essential oil of the […]