The use of Methyloxolane has been authorized as a substitute for hexane

The Minafin Group is pleased to announce that the European Parliament and the Council have amended Directive 2009/32/EC to add the methyloxolane to the list of permitted processing aids for the manufacture of food ingredients Dunkerque – February 9th, 2023 – Methyloxolane is supplied by the Minafin Group under the EcoXtract® brand and is an […]

We have been renewed with COSMOS certification by Ecocert

COSMOS certification allows organic or natural cosmetics to be commercialized worldwide. For cosmetic ingredients producers, our solvent Ecomeo can be used as an extraction solvent for COSMOS approved raw materials. This includes a wide range of Physically Processed Agro-Ingredients (PPAI) such as : Vegetable oils Oil-derived ingredients : Lecithin/tocopherol/tocotrienol… Natural pigments : carotenoids/xanthophyll … Perfumery […]

EcoXtract® in the AOCS INFORM Magazine Sept 2022

In the regulatory review section of the magazine, EcoXtract is featured in a thorough article explaining how the approval of an extraction agent with a 100% certified plant origin is the next step for oils and fats – related indutries. Reprinted from INFORM, copyright © 2022 by the American Oil Chemists’ Society. This article was […]

Introducing the new

We are thrilled to announce that the EcoXtract website has just had a big makeover. The look & feel and navigation of the site is new and information content has been revised and developed. Among the brand new features are: A dedicated technology section A more detailed applications section A focus on our expertise And […]

Methyloxolane for the extraction of lutein

The present study described an efficient green process to isolate lutein with significantly improved yield (2.56%) and purity (97.33%) over the conventional methods. Based on the results, 2- methyltetrahydrofuran could be a practical green alternative to the traditional toxic solvents for the processing of lutein. Further, the chemical analysis of the essential oil of the […]

Formule Verte/InfoChimie article

Laurence Jacques explains in details in this thorough article why our solution is the most suitable  extraction technology of oils, lipids and natural ingredients. It is definitely the alternative to other petro-based extraction solution out there! And it is fully aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the UN Programme. Read the full article here!

EcoXtract® receives green light from EFSA

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has reported that the biobased solvent behind the EcoXtract® technology (methyloxolane) is safe for producing food. This paves the way for the widespread use of EcoXtract® technology in the food industry. This assessment comes as we obtain confirmed results in the first industrial-scale use of this alternative extraction solution […]

EcoXtract is now a ‘Solar Impulse Efficient Solution’ label!

  EcoXtract® is the breakthrough innovation for natural extraction processes. It is the ultimate sustainable and clean solution to extract lipids, proteins and natural ingredients. EcoXtract® was attributed the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” Label following an assessment performed by external independent experts and based on verified standards. It is thereby joining the #1000solutions challenge, an […]